Anyone use any of these? I am looking for good bass sounds and trilogy sounds interesting- also atmosphere with so many pads could be a good complement to my set up. I am running Digital performer 4.12 (mac, only, of course) and I do have mach five soft sampler plus garrital personal orchestra. Another option would be a bass and/or a pad library for mach five. Any good candidates out there? As I said, my arsenal is lacking on quality basses and pads and I'm looking to expand my palette.
thanxs! :D
Played around with all three of the Spetrasonics plugs at a budd
Played around with all three of the Spetrasonics plugs at a buddies house.
Stylus and Trilogy are on my wishlist. I know I can use them right away.
The amount of useable pads was overwhelming to me.
The biggest drawback is that each instance of the instruments must load a several Gigabytes of .dat file, can take over 30 seconds to load.
So if you make a song with Stylus, Trilogy, and mabe a couple of instances of Atmosphere, could take a couple of minutes for the song to load after saving.
Small price to pay for such great sounds.
Or what about Dan dean Giga bass giga CD? Its about half the pr
Or what about Dan dean Giga bass giga CD? Its about half the price of trilogy and I can use it with mach Five- any users out there?