15 November 2006
I am planning on upgrading from my Zoom mrs802CD multitrack to something a bit more flexible and profesional. I have only ever used digi-mulitracks so am a novice when it comes to using a computer for audio applications.
After a bit of research I think I will go the Logic & Tascam US2400 route as I like to have real faders to play with, rather using a mouse for everything.
I have two questions.
1. Does the Tascam US2400 have inputs for mics/instruments, or would I also need a good soundcard & preamps? The Tascam website only states a USB interface for computer connection.
2. Is Logic a suitable choice for starting out in computer based recording, if not, any suggestions?
Many thanks
Logic is a great program - I have been using it for years. I wa
Logic is a great program - I have been using it for years. I was sorry that Apple bought the company and killed the PC version though... :(
As for the Tascam piece, if they say it's ONLY a surface controller than, those are the facts.
IMO, it's best to get separate PRES and A/D converters anyways.