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anonymous Thu, 06/05/2014 - 15:50

It's... Mixing Time!
I know I know, that's the part with the most fun and it took too long to talk about, but trust me without the above information it wouldn't be fun... at all.

Let's get started!

  1. Split your bass signal into 2 tracks. Name one track "Bass Low" and the other "Bass Grit", you get the idea.
  2. Send these tracks to a group track. Name it "Bass Group" or just "Bass".
  3. Use a [=""]filter[/]="http://musicproduct…"]filter[/] and remove the mid-highs on your "Bass Low" track. Keep only the lows up to 250Hz or so, use your ears.
  4. Use an amp, amp sim, pedal or pedal simulator to your grit track and generate harmonics with grit/distortion.
  5. Use high and low filters to remove all the frequencies to your grit track, except the 250Hz to 5Khz (or less) region.

    For now, ignore everything else and just play with the faders. No need to play with compression and other stuff here.

    Just play with the volume of these 2 tracks and stop wherever it sounds right to you.

    Mixing Time... Part 2! - Processing The Bass Group
    Now that we've created the basic tone of our bass, it's time to really go to town with our bass group.

    We will not use any other plugins on the separate channels, cause these 2 channels actually form one instrument so we'll have to treat it as one instrument too.

    So use your plugins to your Bass Group.

    Use a [[url=http://="http://musicproduct…"]high pass filter[/]="http://musicproduct…"]high pass filter[/] and remove some low end around 50Hz - 60Hz. I know what you're thinking, removing bass from bass?? Trust me these frequencies are so low that do not serve anything useful, it's just low end mud. Plus, with all the processing that we'll do now the lows will creep back up to us.

    Use a limiter gently to remove some really aggressive peaks. The compressors that we'll use next will work easier and in a more effective way by doing so.

    Use a [=""]Waves 1176 compressor[/]="…"]Waves 1176 compressor[/] or if you don't own one, just use a [[url=http://="http://musicproduct…"]FET compressor[/]="http://musicproduct…"]FET compressor[/] of your liking.


    If you can't afford the 1176 model from Waves just [[url=http://="http://www.vst4free…"]download for Free the 1176 model from Antress.[/]="http://www.vst4free…"]download for Free the 1176 model from Antress.[/] It really rocks and it's free.

    Settings: Aim for heavy reduction from -5GR to -10GR, 4:1 or 8:1 Ratio, quick Attack around 3 to 10ms and Fast Release.

    Now use an another compressor. Still have some sudden peaks? Use a hard compressor. Need some gentle compression to even out the dynamics? Use something more gentle like the [=""]Waves CLA2a.[/]="…"]Waves CLA2a.[/]


    If you can't afford it, [=""]here's a free LA2A clone for you by the Antress team.[/]="http://www.vst4free…"]here's a free LA2A clone for you by the Antress team.[/]

    Time For Some EQ
    Remove some mud by cutting some db in the 250 to 500Hz area with a [[url=http://="http://musicproduct…"]wide Q[/]="http://musicproduct…"]wide Q[/].

    Cut around 50Hz to 80Hz so your kick drum can cut through.

    Remove some low end mud by cutting around 150Hz to 250Hz.

    Now aim to reduce the "cardbox" sound. Cut some db with a wide Q to the 500Hz - 1.000Hz region.

    Give Me More... Tightness!
    You really think that after all this heavy compression your bass frequencies are tight enough, right?

    No they are not and frequencies under 250Hz need to "sit in the pocket" giving us the freedom to add all the instruments we need in a busy metal/rock/hip-hop or even an epic-metal production.

    For this exact reason, our last step (I promise IT IS the last step) we'll use a couple more plugins.

    Multiband Compression
    The best way to make sure that our low end acts like a "good boy" and doesn't interfere too much with our dynamics is to add a Multi-band Compressor.

    I love using the [=""]C4 Multiband Compression[/]="…"]C4 Multiband Compression[/] by Waves but you can [[url=http://="…"]use this Free multiband compressor[/]="…"]use this Free multiband compressor[/] too.

    We'll use 2 bands:

    • Band 1: The first band will aim at the 0Hz to ~80hz region. That is to make sure that our sub lows are absolutely tight.
    • Band 2: The second band will aim at the ~80Hz up to 250Hz region.

    Now compress the 2 bands and make them tighter.

    With all this Gain Reduction you'll feel (and hear) that your bands are noticeably tighter but also lower in volume.

    Make up for it by using the Make-Up Gain of your multiband compressor, bypass the plugin, listen to the before/after effect and match the volume.

pcrecord Mon, 06/09/2014 - 09:58

Thanks for sharing your recipe ;)
I would have liked some preamp consideration in there. Let say a ISA One ; a preamp for the mic, an instrument input and a digital converter in one unit.
Or a UA 610. Common audio interface DI input are relatively transparent and some are quite dull. Using a DI within an external Preamp unit can give you a more open and punchy sound. (depending on what you are looking for) It may also, save you a lot of processing if the track sound good to begin with

Also, nothing above 250hz ?? Common, don't kill that slap player ! ;)
Depending on the song, you may need those Higher frequencies to keep the bass presence and punch. (specially on small sound system and computer speakers)
I always try not to follow rules or recipes. Doing what the song needs is far more important.. But hey ! You listed a great lists of options

audiokid Tue, 06/10/2014 - 14:20

Hi Paschalis I.
Welcome to RO :)

I'm starting to ask people sharing their mixing tips for examples of their work so we get a better idea of where each and every one of us is coming from. I'd love to hear some examples of your work here. I think it would serve you well. Please feel welcome to post something that refers to your tutorial.

anonymous Wed, 06/11/2014 - 05:43

I respect the OP taking the time to post this, and I'm sure that there are those that might find this helpful - although I'm not in agreement with the "this is how you do this" mentality in a generalized fashion - across the board. Perhaps if he had posted it as "this is how I get good bass tone on _________." it would have a bit more value. There's just no way you can state that this is THE way to get great bass tone.

And, I think he's probably targeting the home recordist who doesn't have the budget for pro gear because he's using a lot of VST's in his examples of "how to", which is fine, I suppose.

I listened to the link that Chris posted... the low end was very heavy through my system, pretty muddy too. But, then again, I'm not a fan of that genre so you have to take my comments for what they are worth in that regard.

audiokid Wed, 06/11/2014 - 14:14

Oh man, this whole topic has me all bent out of shape lol.

respect as well, however,

The link I posted sounded common to the average home studio sound = overuse of plug-ins and DAW bus congestion (we need to finally coin a phrase for that sound :cool:). Its time, wait for it....

I don't hear tremendous bass at all. To be honest, its not close to what I would call exceptional bass but then again, the song is about as bad an example as he could have chosen too.

I love bass and its been a life long mission to be the most bad ass bass mixer (in my own mind lol) on the planet! Thus, why I invested in the 120v rail Neos and a system that helps me phase it all in, really FAST! Gut reaction, hear it and nail it down before I start over processing it.

Now that I know this, maybe, in the next 20 years I might actually hit the big one lol. I wonder if I would be the first 77 year old fat to finally mix a good one. I can come back here and tell you all how to do it lol!
All these extra plug-ins are BS to me.

FWIW, here is my opinion on Waves.

I bought the Waves C4 multiband years ago, thinking that, and so many other pretty plugs would get me there. They look great but did nothing for the music! Ya, I was suffering from dilutions of pro tools studio/waves grandeur too. Like most of the populous. :barefoot:

It started out with Pro Tools, a mac, then Farms, then more DSP, then upgrades, then more upgrades, a new computer, endless research on compatibilities to a point I had about $40,000 just in software and never one thing to be proud of. Oh, but I knew my way around Pro Tools! Big deal...

All the plugs I bought never sounded better than the stock Pro Tools I had to start with. I should have never started reading all the crap on the DUC and listened to people I though had their shit together. At least I was rocking 18 years as a sampling guru, midi guru, and Rock guitarist on the AA circuit. I was a leader in the 80's around this part of the world, not a follower. But, what did I know about DAW's and the Pro Audio world. I was musician using this stuff on stage.
I got fooled by wordsmiths on all these forums.

Not until I realized the DAW is a sampler, did I start to put this all together. I already knew Samplers like the back of my hand. And I did know sampling did something undesirable to music. But, at the time, in the 80's, effects were the bigger deal back then.

What a supermarket for coders selling all this shit. The more I spent, the worse my sound got and this is what I hear here in his example.

The best bass I get is when it has the least amount of code attached to it.

I wouldn't waste a dime on all that nonsense today, even if I was broke, I know I would get a superior mix on a Stock Samplitude or Pro Tools any day of the week over someone which a folder full of all this imaginary colour.
I'll challenge anyone who cares to question this.
The Renaissance EQ was the last plug-ins I bought and shorty after those purchases, I cut my losses and put my $40 thousand dollar Pro Tools crap studio in the closet and moved on.

To the OP, you are lost in the world I described above.

anonymous Thu, 06/12/2014 - 03:26

I think that this was probably directed at those who don't have the budget to get the "real" gear. Most home recording hobbyists rely on plugs because they don't have the cash to shell out on a real 1176. So, take it for what it's worth. I don't believe that he was attempting to compare the real stuff with the run of the mill average plug ins.

I think it may have created less controversy if he had perhaps titled the thread differently, perhaps something like "another option to getting bass tone".

I have very little of the "real" OB stuff anymore myself - with the exception of an old dbx 163, a dual 15 band MXR Graphic, a Lexi Prime Time, a Rockman Sustainor/Delay and a Digitech TSR-12, I'm mostly bound by vst's myself. I use what I have because the alternative would be to not do it at all until I had some of those classic pieces, and, well, that's simply no alternative at all - at least not to me, anyway. I'd rather keep recording and mixing.

I do have some nice mics, and, I'm putting money into the process of getting my mixing space as acoustically accurate as I possibly can, but while I've used that real gear plenty over the years, I don't actually own any of those pieces anymore, so yeah, I do need to use vst's - like the LP64 EQ or the Vintage64 Compressor from Cakewalk... along with other plugs like Waves RChannel, etc.

I make the due the best I can with what I have. If the original poster hadn't called this thread what he did, I suspect it would have been much more palatable to those that know that there simply isn't any one way to do things.

IMHO of course.



pcrecord Thu, 06/12/2014 - 09:41

My bass tones, rely mostly on either my UA 4-710 or ISA two preamps or a combination of both (either with or without a mic depending if the bassman has an amp). The rest is done ITB not by choice, (please send me money :sneaky:) I try to keep it simple unless the instrument is real crap !! I often end up with only EQ and Compression on the track or just EQ if I used the compressor in the 4-710 !!

RemyRAD Thu, 06/12/2014 - 21:51

DVDhawk LMAO that was precious that video! Yeah... there's not too many places where you can get a Pabst Blue Ribbon that serves 15-year-old bass players. Nope. That was high comedy for sure. Or for those who were high that watched this comedy?

Obviously he couldn't play his bass because he hadn't sent it back to the factory to have it tuned, in time for this video. Obviously he went to the Gene Simmons School of Tongue.

And where he does not Obviously purchase his Jeans from The Gap since he likely has none, between his cheeks? In fact I think he had his cheeks sewn together just to get that tight look. And maybe to help keep him from crapping in his pants when he tries to play the bass guitar?

He's probably making more money with that video than any song he would ever play in his life? I laughed my ass off. And now I look better in a swimsuit for summer.

I'm ravenously beautiful.
Mx. Remy Ann David

anonymous Fri, 06/13/2014 - 09:57


Sounds like most of the other popular VSTi /midi / library bass guitar samples I've heard. It's not awful or anything, it is what it is. And I have nothing against VSTi's... not at all. I've heard great sounding samples of many different instruments. I just don't consider this to be one of them.

Personally, I wouldn't consider it to be an example of "tremendous bass tone", and most pro bass players I know probably wouldn't, either.

But, after all, it's all in the, uhmm "ear" of the beholder...

One man's "average" is another man's "tremendous".

After all is said and done, if it works for the song, works for you, and your client is happy, then that's all that matters. ;)


audiokid Fri, 06/13/2014 - 12:11

(If you had not put such a "tremendous" title, we would not be having this discussion)

When I first started using digital tools, it was the craze! No one heard samples and music like that, so it was cool and an opportunity to take. It was perfect for the times. Midi was the shit, samplers where just beginning and digital recording (the beginning of the DAW) was starting to take shape in products like the Emulator.
Pop music (what else was there) was mostly 2 or 4 on the floor with the odd exception to some shuffles. The MPC had that one in the bag!
Pretty much everything had no dynamic unless you were smart enough to learn how to do it itb. Most people however, were clueless figuring out how to do it anyway so NEW WAVE made its way into the culture and a way we go...I see a correlation to plug-ins here.
Kicks, hats and bass were Half, quarter or 8ths and everything was quantized or sounded quantized. Similar to this example above. Only its quantized in the wave as there are not transients, dynamics or real world space outside the bitrate. I hear it, do you?

The best thing going was guitar and Vox. Those two essesials kept NEW Wave real. If you had that in your sound, you had an audience. If you had a drummer that could play like a metronome, you really had an audience.
I used the guitar to make it sound better. Thank God it still isn't an easy rhythm to fool people with. I think that has kept us somewhat grounded still and quite possibly coming back again. Its sure to infect the youth as it did in my generation.
That was 34 years ago.

I was so stoked on it, making handfuls of cash that I could jump on a plane and head 2500 miles to the Van Nuys GS to get the latest Linn Drum Eproms that were just released, hang out there for a while and come right back to Canada to work on my next song.

This example of bass, sounds no different than the samples we got 34 years ago. Its dead, no dynamics and dated.
Your mix and interpretation sounds like every other kid that just discovered digital processing.
In fact, my Krono's sounds better than this on its own right now.
I admire your enthusiasm but you aren't fooling the guys that grew up on this shit who no how to mix it.
At one time we would all be going "wow". But the world is sick of this shit continuing. It belongs in the group of the worst music of this century. It worked once because it was never heard like that before, now its old news and we all want better.

Don't get me wrong, I love samplers (DAW's) and digital technology but give me something that doesn't sound like a kid that just upgraded his plug-in list and just discovered volume optimization.
If you really want to jump in on the lead, try creating a song that sounds like someone actually played it. That is the next craze.

Kurt Foster Mon, 06/16/2014 - 05:21

so it's fake drums, line in bass and guitars? no mics? just plug and play and drum machines? what separates this kind of production from any of the other 10,000,000 basement productions using garage band or ????? ...... it's a perfect example of what has killed recording as an art .... it's nothing anyone with a $500 laptop can't do .... certainly not tremendous more like unremarkable.

anonymous Mon, 06/16/2014 - 05:43

Kurt Foster, post: 415898, member: 7836 wrote: so it's fake drums, line in bass and guitars? no mics? just plug and play and drum machines? what separates this kind of production from any of the other 10,000,000 basement productions using garage band or ????? ...... it's a perfect example of what has killed recording as an art .... it's nothing anyone with a $500 laptop can't do .... certainly not tremendous more like unremarkable.


anonymous Mon, 06/16/2014 - 06:01

"...what separates this kind of production from any of the other 10,000,000 basement productions using garage band or ?????"

Nothing. And I wouldn't limit that to just "basement" productions, either. You can hear this on plenty of commercial release tracks too.

And while I'd expect VSTi sourced tracks for any of the run-of-the mill pop-based stuff that's out there, I simply can't get next to it for metal - and not that I'm a huge metal fan either - but I respect that it at least involves real players... or should I say ... at least it used to, and it still should. Metal is, if nothing else, passionate. I don't hear that same passion when listening to VSTi based/programmed emulations.

Mic up the kit, the Marshall, and the SVT - rattle the windows and piss off the neighbors. Metal isn't supposed to be "polite". ;)

anonymous Mon, 06/16/2014 - 06:06

Kurt Foster, post: 415898, member: 7836 wrote: so it's fake drums, line in bass and guitars? no mics? just plug and play and drum machines? what separates this kind of production from any of the other 10,000,000 basement productions using garage band or ????? ...... it's a perfect example of what has killed recording as an art .... it's nothing anyone with a $500 laptop can't do .... certainly not tremendous more like unremarkable.

Please stop changing the topic of my thread.

This is about getting a great modern bass guitar sound in MIXING.
It is NOT about recording and I never said that my way of getting the DIs was the best one.

How can you accuse someone about making no music? You know someone in order to something he uses REAL instruments, the fact that he cannot afford something
and he can translate his music in MIDI data doesn't make him less "musical".

If you have problems with people using software cause that's "cheating" then you must have problems with Editing too.
Sorry but in modern metal you HAVE TO stick to the grid.

It's not Pink Floyd neither Led Zeppelin. It's modern and yeah it needs some cheating, the fact that you dislike it...? I GOT IT. WE ALL GOT IT cause you said it more than 2 times.
And I respect it too.

But respect my thread too, cause I LOVE modern mixes and I love the fact that people can show their music to the world using these drum machines.
Without these drum machines , some fantastic bands wouldn't have the opportunity to show us some fantastic songs, cause of no drummer or no money to record drums.

Nobody got money to record you know and some people with a small budget have some of the best ideas for songs ever and you say that this is no musical at all?

Thanks for sharing your opinions with me, but if you'd like to say how bad modern mixing is please start another thread. This is about something else.

Josh Conley Mon, 06/16/2014 - 10:32

dude, the name of this forum is not
and you arent recording anything.

stick to asking questions like i do, not a one of these folks needs mixing "advice". that would be like going to a civil engineering firm to explain how this bridge wasnt designed correctly after finishing my mechanics of materials class at the local community college.

see your problem now?

what records do you have under your belt that qualifies your very first post? why should we listen to you?

Kurt Foster Mon, 06/16/2014 - 12:59

Please stop changing the topic of my thread.

listen here bucko ..... no one around here "owns" a thread. you do not moderate threads here. threads at RO go where the conversation leads to.

next, read my sig line .... "it's my opinion. i'll play with it if i want to ....."

what i really have a problem with is your use of superlatives like "tremendous" ..... just because you say it' is, doesn't make it so. if you had approached this as a post like "here's what i did and how i did it" instead of "i know it all and here's how to do it" you most likely would have gott a warmer reception. instead you come off as a stupid kid who is so ignorant he doesn't realize how much he doesn't know.

How can you accuse someone about making no music? You know someone in order to something he uses REAL instruments, the fact that he cannot afford something
and he can translate his music in MIDI data doesn't make him less "musical".

it's "the best track you never played. "
there is nothing great and modern, awesome or remarkable let alone "tremendous" about any of your song clips. the fact that you would post something like this here expecting approval, goes to show you haven't read very many of the posts and threads here at RO. the guitar tones are mundane and the drums are typical sampled drums. there is no sense of depth or dimension which is again typical of over processed DAW production. the bass tone is a refuge from a Seinfeld episode. i keep looking for Geroge Costanza to show up.

Sorry but in modern metal you HAVE TO stick to the grid.

says who? you?

But respect my thread too, cause I LOVE modern mixes and I love the fact that people can show their music to the world using these drum machines.
Without these drum machines , some fantastic bands wouldn't have the opportunity to show us some fantastic songs, cause of no drummer or no money to record drums.

Nobody got money to record you know and some people with a small budget have some of the best ideas for songs ever and you say that this is no musical at all?

first, i have used drum machines. but i would never say it was a recording of a "band". next i grow sooooo weary of those who use "no money" as an excuse to cut corners for the sake of affordability. that's exactly what is killing the art and industry of "recording". .... take the time you spend in the basement playing with yourself to go get a job at and use that money to buy some real equipment instead of searching out the cheapest route to self aggrandization you can find .

the mix itself is flat and squashed ... obviously daw itb with so many plugs the poor computer is gagging with all the processing.

no hate here but you are obviously trying to get some hits on your face book page. that's not what this forum is about. please stop wasting band with. the more this stuff happens the more i think Chris is right. we need to make this a private forum with pre approval to post. if it were up to meeee, i would have deleted your post in the beginning.

anonymous Tue, 06/17/2014 - 01:05

To Kurt:
It wasn't something I would have deleted. His choice of descriptive words was poor, as in "tremendous"... or "how to mix a bass guitar"... if he had simply said, "here's a way I was able to get an alternate bass tone using the following" then I'm not sure that this thread would have created the heat that it did, but he didn't violate any TOS that I'm aware of, and we can't delete posts simply because we don't personally agree with what someone has to say. That being said....

To the OP:
Kurt's correct... you don't "own" a thread, and you can't dictate who reads and who comments - or, how they comment. Any time that you post, you are allowing others to comment, and the comments may or may not be what you want to hear. If you are looking for a group of sycophantic yes-men, then you're in the wrong place. You've also chosen a forum that has a roster of professionals in its ranks - veterans - who have been in this business a long time, who work with some very nice gear, who still believe in actual talent in both performance and engineering, and who have little patience for those who don't also take the craft seriously or who post in an effort to simply up their social media site or soundcloud view/listen count.

Your original post was aimed at those who either have A. no money to get serious about the craft, or B. who have decided that all they need is a copy of PT, an M-Box I/O and a handful of plugs to make them "professionals", so they feel that investing seriously into the craft is a waste of time because they don't need to.

The tone you presented wasn't "tremendous". It was "average". It was pretty much the stock-tone of nearly every bedroom/basement PT/Sonar/Cubase studio I've ever heard. Perhaps next time, if you simply reined in the adjectives of how great you are, and instead simply state that this is a process you used to get a tone that you liked and were sharing that process, then you won't face the critical back-lash that happened this time.


Kurt Foster Tue, 06/17/2014 - 02:47

To Kurt:
It wasn't something I would have deleted.

yea ... that's why you're the moderator .... :LOL: i would have because it REEKS of spam to me. actually that was aimed more at the op and not administration. i have no problem with the way the site is run. in the day i would have agreed with you (actually i still do). i understand that it not good to delete any content unless it's absolutely necessary. i would have probably locked instead ... but then that's no fun either lol.. :love: k.

anonymous Tue, 06/17/2014 - 04:20

Playing OP's "advocate" for just a second, and in an attempt to be as fair as possible, it's possible that someone could derive some "benefit" from his "how to" post.

However, I don't think that RO is necessarily the best location for this type of post, as most members here are into recording with actual instruments, using actual mics and performed by actual players... but, at the same time, I can't really blast anyone for the use of virtual instrumentation, either, because while most of what I do involves microphones and real instrumentation, I've also used my fair share of drum machines and synths as well.

I think the problem began by his choices of description... the use of the word "tremendous"... as in ground breaking, or innovative, or cutting edge... and, well, it's not.
It's actually quite "average" sounding - par for the course - in what I hear coming out of most hobbyists' "studios".

And to take offense to the critiques, and verbally lash out, simply because the people who did respond didn't fall all over themselves with adoration and compliments, didn't help things, either. ;)

Whenever you post here, you have got to realize that you are opening yourself up to critiques... and they might not always be what you expect or want to hear.

If you are looking for validation, or seeking replies that are simply knee-jerk complimentary "atta-boy!" in nature, then you should probably choose another forum/site from which to post.

And, if your motivation is to simply "boost" your view/listen count numbers on social media or other streaming audio sites, then you should definitely find another forum, because that won't be tolerated here.

However, if you post with the intent of seeking actual critique, advice, suggestion and discussion about the recording and production process, then you are more than welcome to long as you aren't thin-skinned.
Because if you can't take the heat, then you've got no business being in this business.



anonymous Tue, 06/17/2014 - 04:36

So is run by 10-20 people, aged 30+ with a hate in modern music, that have 10.000+ posts and that power gives the freedom to older members insult new members without a problem.
But if the new members say something that may offend the older ones everyone is going to bash him.

By the way the topic creator owns the thread that's why he is the creator:

[=""]Thread Hijacking[/]="http://www.urbandic…"]Thread Hijacking[/]
When a person starts a posting on a message board, or forum, or Facebook, that others are able to comment on, that original posting and the comments on it are called a thread. A thread hijacking occurs when one or more individuals commenting on the original posting, go off topic, creating a separate conversation. This is rude, and bad internet etiquette. If people want to discuss a different topic, they should start their own thread.

Source: [[url=http://="http://www.urbandic…"]http://www.urbandic… Hijacking[/]="http://www.urbandic…"]http://www.urbandic… Hijacking[/]

I simply asked to stop hijacking my thread, cause it is really rude. I have no problem to hear that my sound is shit if you do believe that.

And I really asked you to do it really gently but you got offended and called me a bucko. Guess who's the bucko around here.

I just don't care about your opinion about MIDI, that's all. I didn't even start the thread to ask about your opinion on MIDI.

I can accept everything, even if it's bad, no problem at all that's why this is called a community. I just can't accept a older, narrow-minded bucko feeling like he can own the forum just cause he has lots of posts and also... I can't accept thread-hi jacking.

Update: I also despise mod butt licking (Kurt.)

I guess that's the reason you've got thousands of views and 2-3 replies on each thread. Cause people are afraid to speak cause someone with 10.000 posts
and being an internet friend of the moderator can do what he pleases.

I've got no problem whatsoever I said what I had to say. No problem with me.

Aw and about the " is not the greatest place for this mixing tutorial" thing....


"People are not here to learn about mixing but recording"

- NEWBIES! Help and Advise for HOME STUDIO. How to get started? Beginner recording questions. How to hook gear up. What is compression, interface, levels, gain staging, budget gear, USB mics more..

Remove the MIXING ITB label and everything would be fine.

I am out of this thread. If someone finds the tut useful then let it be.

Kurt Foster Tue, 06/17/2014 - 04:55

everything you just posted is wrong. i don't give a fu*k what the urban dictionary says. why even post here if that's how you feel? i'll tell you why. you are trying to steer traffic from here to your site. i have noticed very few responses to your topics (other than yourself) which btw are full of misconceptions and wrong info and opinion. as with your music it seems your site is there only for your own self gratification. and you have the nerve to come here and criticize RO?

you have no creds in the business. you don't know what you are doing and your sounds suck ....

go buy a mic and learn how to use it.

anonymous Tue, 06/17/2014 - 05:01

Kurt Foster, post: 415934, member: 7836 wrote: everything you just posted is wrong. i don't give a fu*k what the urban dictionary says. why even post here if that's how you feel? i'll tell you why. you are trying to steer traffic from here to your site. i have noticed very few responses to your topics (other than yourself) which btw are full of misconceptions and wrong info and opinion. as with your music it seems your site is there only for your own self gratification. and you have the nerve to come here and criticize RO?

you have no creds in the business. you don't know what you are doing and your sounds suck ....

go buy a mic and learn how to use it.

Thank you for approving how much of an uneducated old-man you are.
This is not how I feel.. It's simple politeness that you clearly cannot comprehend.

Go and buy this you'll need it:

"go buy a mic and learn how to use it."

you narrow-minded old man :D
you just confirm my posts above about you.

Also I suggest you get off for a while, you're clicking "new posts"
way to often. I can see you have a mic but spend your time here instead of making music. At least I compose something, even if it's with MIDI. Baka!

See ya "young" fellow :)

audiokid Tue, 06/17/2014 - 10:44

The title would be better as:
Tremendous Bass VOLUME- How I make Bass Loud using plug-ins ?

Deleting this thread serves no purpose so I've reopened. This thread is definitely very informative and has already reached 15,519 views. We are missing the mark here!

The OP is typical to the affordable recording sound. Its also upsetting to be told you suck when you just thought you had a hit. :cry::notworthy: :mad:
His reaction to our panel is typical.
He has let emotion (clearly why as we are beating on him) get the best of him , while we are also failing to help him.
Which, he isn't allowing us to do so.

To the OP
You took the liberty to post material in a professional recording forum beyond your musical level and got put in the hot seat. The content within this forum has been screened since its launch 15 years ago. You really have know idea of the history within, maybe its time you took some time to ask questions.

Donny said it to you perfectly. So did Kurt, I and others. Kurt has seen more pro's come through his Professional studio than you will ever meet in a life time. You really have no idea.. You just met Simon Cowell of our forum.

If you really cared about helping people learn how to create "tremendous bass" tone, now is the time be be humble and listen. You are at a cross road. You can slam the door or sit down and rethink.
You never once asked us to explain what we hear in your demonstrations. You basically walked into a studio filled with professional (electronic and acoustic professionals of all ages) that welcome everyone, but we also don't let misinformation get past us without question. We actually care about music and helping people make it happen. That's why we built this place 15 years ago. We are here to learn and share.
We admire enthusiasm but also monitor the material people post.

The challenge,
Lets turn this around and ask the OP why he thinks he knows better than us?
What do you think you have discovered that we don't hear?

I also challenge him to post the same tracks so we can have a go of it. ?

Kurt Foster Tue, 06/17/2014 - 11:52

Paschalis I., post: 415936, member: 47272 wrote: Thank you for approving how much of an uneducated old-man you are.
This is not how I feel.. It's simple politeness that you clearly cannot comprehend.

Go and buy this you'll need it:

"go buy a mic and learn how to use it."

you narrow-minded old man :D
you just confirm my posts above about you.

Also I suggest you get off for a while, you're clicking "new posts"
way to often. I can see you have a mic but spend your time here instead of making music. At least I compose something, even if it's with MIDI. Baka!

See ya "young" fellow :)

yea ... old men no nothing someday (and believe me it won't be long) you will get old too. it sneaks up on you faster than you know. what really sucks about getting old is the attitude one gets from stupid ignorant ass holes like you. be polite? to you? not a chance. you're a jerk.

Paschalis I., post: 415937, member: 47272 wrote: And if you think that everything that I say is wrong then go and say it to some people that liked my sound :)






But let me guess... They're ALL wrong and you're right, right?

who the hell are they? random jerks on the EwwTube? you can scatter fertilizer all over the planet .. and guess what? someone's going to say it smells good! there's no accounting for bad taste. screw off!

audiokid Tue, 06/17/2014 - 11:59

Josh Conley, post: 415904, member: 47953 wrote: dude, the name of this forum is not
and you arent recording anything.

stick to asking questions like i do, not a one of these folks needs mixing "advice". that would be like going to a civil engineering firm to explain how this bridge wasnt designed correctly after finishing my mechanics of materials class at the local community college.

see your problem now?

what records do you have under your belt that qualifies your very first post? why should we listen to you?

We aren't excluded to just recording. Mixing and mastering is part of this forum content. Mixing and sound replacement including producing is what I do mostly ;) . But, it all starts from recording (y)

Kurt Foster Tue, 06/17/2014 - 12:01

The challenge,
Lets turn this around and ask the OP why he thinks he knows better than us?
What do you think you have discovered that we don't hear?

great idea. btw, thanks for the kind words Chris. :notworthy:

Update: I also despise mod butt licking (Kurt.)

lol! any one here feel like their butt''s been licked? what a jerk.

Space Tue, 06/17/2014 - 17:21

"i would have because it REEKS of spam to me"

See...I do that :0 I do not give a dang about anything but what is helpful and what is accurate. And I have a nose for crap :/

If it starts out ugly, and this one hit my BS meter hard but I do not work in this area...I turn the toaster on, get the bread and mustard and start fixing that spam....for my lhasa apso.

You cant make me eat that stuff :)

So if this went on too should have asked me, or make Kurt a mod...either one will eliminate that.

On The Other hand:

If good form and structure can be gleaned so that the thousands that watch these threads can LEARN something from the crap that was presented, rather the poor attention to detail and simply trusting digital and getting all "I did that" mentality from the OP, then it was still successful.