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Please help me figure out what instrument this is:…"]View:…]="…"]View:…]

(The "ting ting" instrument from 0.02 to 0.07)

I'm trying to find the instrument on my Roland Juno Gi keyboard OR a VST instrument that sounds somewhat similar to the one in the above link.




paulears Thu, 03/06/2014 - 10:48

er, isn't he playing a Korg something?
It's a Korg N364 from the 90s, and the preset is 38 TheGamelan, which is a kind of multi timbral percussive ethnic mix - the bell sound I suspect has just been isolated and used without the other stuff. You might find the same timbre in other gamelan sounds on other makes.

The video you linked to was a bit blurry but I found the same band on another at better resolution so I could read the label! This site lets you hear the presets - look for the gamelan, and about half way through are what I think are the same bells. They're in that synth, just a case of finding them. They could be in another preset untangled by the other gamelan sounds.

If you go down the screen you can hear lots of other very similar sounds.