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Hi guys,

It's been a while since I've been on here simply because my browser, Opera, does not work with No matter what ISP I use it keeps sending me either back to my own IP address or the IP address of the router.

It really is a pain to keep having to open Chrome to check out the forum since all of my quick launch links are based in Opera. I know it sounds lazy, but it really deters me.

Is there no way around this?

Please help!

Cheers :)

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audiokid Tue, 09/25/2012 - 14:03

No idea but I do know a lot of people are very pissed at the vbulletin's code. A new version is in Beta "VB5 Connect", to be released late this year or early 2013 but to be honest, I don't have much hope in it for us. It looks like a mobile app more than a Forum/CMS and a lot of people are in an uproar . Here is a sample of it: [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.vbulleti…"]Forums - vBulletin 5 Demo[/]="http://www.vbulleti…"]Forums - vBulletin 5 Demo[/]

Mo Facta, does your browser work if you go to vbulletin 4.2? Here is the latest release (4.2): This version is the latest. I have been holding off on it until I am certain its not worse. If so, I could try upgrading to it and hope for the best.

Firefox works great.

Mo Facta Wed, 09/26/2012 - 01:47

audiokid, post: 394056 wrote:
Mo Facta, does your browser work if you go to vbulletin 4.2? Here is the latest release (4.2): This version is the latest. I have been holding off on it until I am certain its not worse. If so, I could try upgrading to it and hope for the best.

Firefox works great.

Yup, it opens fine. Upgrade now! ha ha

I would frequent the site a lot more if I didn't have to open another browser every time.

I know you guys miss me. :tongue:

Cheers :)


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