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Hey all!

Thought this would be good for me, and hopefully a lot of people. As I look further into the massive amounts of literature, and grow increasingly interested in the more academic and theoretical aspects of music, it's become clear that I can't just absorb therotical physcial concepts, or circuit design, without a better understanding of the math and sciences.

After calling dr. Bob celmer at the university of Hartford, phD in acoustical engineering, he suggested I take some fundamental courses like calculus and physics for non-physics majors to introduce myself to the path of an degree in acoustical engineering. He suggested I do this at a local community school. So, before I shell out money, I've decided to familiarize myself with the concepts and workload I would expect.

So I'm going to post links and videos on these classes as I watch them and maybe someday fill it out completely so it mirrors an actual curriculum so somebody could be better prepared.

Either that or ill watch and just get bored. . Any other sort of links to reputable literature and vids are surely welcome. I believe that the availability of knowledge is only the first step. It's understanding and application that's gonna pay the bills. Heres to it!

Here the first one from Stanford, lecture 1, classical physics.


DonnyThompson Fri, 06/19/2015 - 23:44

Great post, Kyle. If for no other reason than these videos show that acoustics is definitely not about randomly throwing pieces of 1" foam all over your walls and then calling your space "treated".
( And there are other great reasons, too, like actual positive results)...

I wish more people would pay more attention to these videos, than what so many end up doing instead, which is to quickly peruse some blog/site on the internet, read an article for 5 minutes - which is generally written by dolts who also don't have a clue about any of it themselves, and then think that they know what they are doing. Everybody wants it easy, and, they want it now. They're looking for that quick, $25, "fix-all solution"... a solution that doesn't even exist.

Acoustic-related research takes time, ( as does any science) ... it takes intelligence, as well as a solid foundation in math/ geometry and physics.

I'm certainly no expert on the subject. Much of it eludes me, because I lack a lot of the math skills required. But, when I do my research, these are the kinds of vids that I gravitate towards. I can't say that I always grasp it, but at least the source and the teaching is accurate. It's up to me to better my own intelligence to understand this field of study, and I know for a fact that I'm not going to do that by simply watching a 5 minute "how-to video" from "just some guy" on youtube, or some promo vid from one of the treatment manufacturers trying to sell me their product.

It most certainly requires a whole lot more than that.

kmetal Sat, 06/20/2015 - 09:25

Yeah man. I liked the first few primers. They made the big words less scary. I truly feel it's amazing that we can 'sit in' on real college courses, for free. This gives opportunities to everyone. This means that a person can learn at there own pace, and when it's time to shell out the dough for a degree, they are well prepeared. Personally, It also allows me to increase my skill set, as a work, and eventually as money allows get some certifications.

The thing is that I'm seeing, is the rules of thumb, are good enough for most average questions. In other words, by the time a typical person sets up the basic RFZ and bass trapping, in an average room, there really isn't much more to it that even high science and math is gonna do.

It's when you start to conceive these rooms from scratch, that this information becomes more necessary in my little world. i am obsessed with the how's and whys. the fascinating part is that the concepts go way beyond even music, nevermind good sounding rooms, lol.

I watch theses once in a while, or put them on when I'm going to bed, or doing house/office work, and just absorb watever I do. Just having some one in the background 'talking shop' is helping me get used to the topics, and jargon, without, the pressures and time restraints of trade trial college.

Lol, I stopped going 1 yr away from a finance degree in college, between statistics class, and the moral disregaurd they preach in business school. Who would have thought my music 'career' of recoring bands and hooking up people's racks, would have me back studying math, my toughest subject, by choice!!!

I find this stuff much easier to grasp, when there is a 'face to the name' so to speak. when I'm learning this under the notions of sound and music, it's easier to visualize.


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