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hey all, first off hello...i'm new to this board..i'm from vancouver, guitar in local band "definition" and i do some freelance engineering whenever possible.. on to the question..

we're currently recording our's a concept album of sorts..a story..and we're having each track run into the gaps...also..there is a couple places on the CD where we want to have program "hidden"-i suppose, as negative time in tracks..or the overdone 3 minutes after the last song...
i have masterlist and jam at my disposal...any tips or tricks?



audiowkstation Wed, 08/22/2001 - 07:37


Take a wav. editor and whichever tracks you want to add silence, incorporate samples...trick with ...etc...can be done there.

What I do in one portion of mastering is to do my heads and tails on each track (editing) then save as indivigual wav. files. Makes CD burning a breeze!!

I don't know who was first...but I did an album in 1984 (days of the buldging Decisions of indie) where track 14 was silence for 9 mins...and at 9:03 I added a 2 second sample. I thought it was cool that very few took the time to search it out.

We sold about 900 CD's which was really good for a no name.

Use your imagination! Have fun!!