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Hi Folks. Here is a guide, including links, to relevent Topics, Posts, commentary etc that relate to the subject of "Didjeridoo"

First. Let’s establish a common ground.

We are here to talk about music. The playing of, recording of, distribution of, purchase of, enjoyment of.

Attitudes towards, difference in approaches, diferent forms, styles, cultures and functions of music.From having great sex too - to bringing and creating some sense of Divine prescence through. Ambience. Dance. Meditation. And getting your "ROCKS" off.

"We’re all living in the human race,
Now stop what y’r saying, get outa my face,
Oh the world is a garden for people to be free
So please please stop your sh*tting on me,
God’s Children, I love you all." *(1)

If you ever think I’m carrying on up here - look, am I Snow White? Tell me! - (not about Snow White. I am not Snow White. I know this. Snow White was a fairy tale character. I’m not.) Then discuss it . Don’t just let it hang around like a bad smell, ‘specially if it’s not your own Topic/Post.

To any body from Ipswich, Toomelah, Boggabilla, …doubly welcome. I know it's going to take some time for you to get up here. Make your selves at home. There’s some beer in the Fridge at the
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Kind regards..Stedel.

Please feel free to post any others you think would be relevant up here.

"Who's miced a Didjeridoo?"
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"What Do Australian's Know About Sound?"
Topic/Post started by me from an article written by Rick O’Neil, in Australian Magazine AudioTechnology – Issue 18. This Topic/Post was put up before "Who’s miced a Didgeridoo?"
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this next link:
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Takes you to Page two of the Topic/Post "What Do Australians etc", where on the 7th post of the page I start talking about Toomelah Aboriginal Mission.

Established by myself as a place for people to "check" in.
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Make yourselves at home.There’s some beer in the Fridge.

A CD recorded by RO member "Kev"from Melbourne.

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Debate started on issues raised by the "Anybody miced a Didjeridoo" post. I'm wanting to get the discussion moved here, so unless you really feel a need to, please don't post.

"Anyone try the NT-4 or NT-5 yet? They are out..."
Recent Topic posted, Contains comments I find problemmatic and out of line re Australian Music product, The Australian Music Industry, and Australians. Sorry. You’ll also find my reply.
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anonymous Tue, 04/16/2002 - 13:17

BTW, this verse I put up in the introduction above:

"We’re all living in the human race,
Now stop what y’r saying, get outa my face,
Oh the world is a garden for people to be free
So please please stop your shitting on me,
God’s Children, I love you all." *(1)

*(1) I wrote these lines as I was typing out the post. They fit the music of "Advance Australia Fair". I think they’re better then the words of the song. Try it, Sing the verse I wrote to the melody of Australia’s great National Anthem (?). It fits!