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As the FSB speeds on new computers increases, are older PCI components able to keep up? IE: Is there a danger of running my M-Audio Delta 1010LT on a 800+ MHZ FSB?


Guest Tue, 12/13/2005 - 06:18

As I understand it, the speed of the FSB effects every component that is attached to it. Only the 'multiplier' works on the processor alone.

as answered no, not any more.
in the old days when you overclocked IE went out of spec. of 66, 100, 133 FSB. then yes it raised your agp and PCI clocks.

that was years ago. even with overclocking now this doesnt happen.
the bios allows for OCing without raising AGP and PCI (unless you want to)

but you didnt ask about OCing.
you asked about 800 fsb, which is a standard spec today. (truth be told its really 200 fsb x 4 pipelines so they make up this 800 fsb # (Intel)

so the motherboard is at 800 fsb: the agp is 66 and the PCI is 33.
same with 1066 capable mobos.
or with AMD @ 1600/2000 fsb

of course you need a processor that runs this fsb. or you are overclocking.


sndo Tue, 12/13/2005 - 11:39

ADK audio wrote:

As I understand it, the speed of the FSB effects every component that is attached to it. Only the 'multiplier' works on the processor alone.

as answered no, not any more.
in the old days when you overclocked IE went out of spec. of 66, 100, 133 FSB. then yes it raised your agp and PCI clocks.

that was years ago. even with overclocking now this doesnt happen.
the bios allows for OCing without raising AGP and PCI (unless you want to)

but you didnt ask about OCing.
you asked about 800 fsb, which is a standard spec today. (truth be told its really 200 fsb x 4 pipelines so they make up this 800 fsb # (Intel)

so the motherboard is at 800 fsb: the agp is 66 and the PCI is 33.
same with 1066 capable mobos.
or with AMD @ 1600/2000 fsb

of course you need a processor that runs this fsb. or you are overclocking.


Thanks, this makes a lot of sense. The article I was reading did seem rather old (the specs described were very low/slow)

It's funny that authors on the internet often leave their work undated. On the internet, it's more important than ever to date your work! Every article I read about FSB and related stuff had not been dated, yet they would use references like "two weeks ago...".... what does "two weeks ago" mean when there's no date?

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up. I was, in fact, looking for a new computer with a FSB around 800 and just wanted to be sure that my old soundcard is still compatible with the new computers of today (Dec. 13, 2005.)