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so i have the standars Pro Tools le on my mac and i am used to messing around with a graphic EQ like in adobe audition/cool edit pro. i have tried messing around with the 4 band eq on here but i can really figure it out. normally i see that i have lows on one end and the hi on the other end. just kinda confused..


anonymous Wed, 04/13/2005 - 08:46

The standard Protools 4 band EQ has a hi and low shelf and two parametric EQ's that cover the whole spectrum. Push the gain up on one of the middle two and listen when you move the frequency slider around. These EQ's are quite old in design and are not as good as some third party plugins, however, there is a free 7 band EQ download from DIGi called EQ 3 that is more like other EQ's, it has 5 parametrics that are limited in range with some overlap, plus a hi and low pass that can also be switched to notch. It also has a graphical display that shows what you are doing and you can grab the handles in the display and move it around. Sounds WAY better than their original EQ's. Did I mention its free!!

sdelsolray Thu, 04/21/2005 - 19:43

Costy wrote: Hey, Dave,
I saw the EQ3, and it seems a nice plug. I've downloaded it from
digidesign web, installed (Mac G5 OSX, PT LE). But this thing does
not appear in the plug-in list, not even afrer re-starting Mac. Did
you (or anyone) actualy made the EQ3 work ?

EQ III is mono or dual mono only, not stereo. It doesn't show up in the stereo listings, only the mono listings. Still, it works as a dual mono plug on a stereo master fader insert.