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Can anyone out there give me a detailed but very basic (i know thats pretty stupid sounding) description of the M-S Micing arrangement? My professor today was talking about it, but i am still a little vague on what it's exact purpose is and everything. Anyone got a good description?

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anonymous Wed, 03/02/2005 - 20:40

Mid-Side micing basicly a two mic near coincindent techinque that produces a three part image. you use a figure 8 mic, with a cardiod (or I've also heard of omni) in the centre.

+ cap - cap

(pretend the cardiod is facing you)

-then you bring these into you device
-get levels
-mult the figure 8 for a second channel and phase invert it
-pan them left and right

and that should be just about it.

FifthCircle Wed, 03/02/2005 - 22:59

Mid side is a sum and difference technique... You are basically summing the patterns of 2 microphones together.

You can have any pattern in the center as your mid and it faces your source directly. Then at 90 degrees you have a figure-8 capsule. The positive lobe of the fig-8 should be to the left and the negative should be to the right.

When you matrix them, you have your left-right image derived from the sum of the mid plus the side (positive) and the difference of the mid minus the side (negative)... So you have

L= M+S
R= M-(-S)

Nice thing about it is that two signals that are 180 degrees out of phase when summed become null... That means you have perfect mono compatability with this technique.


zemlin Fri, 03/04/2005 - 18:02

Imaging with MS is quite good.
Imagine the MS array is your head. Both ears hear what is coming from the front. The left ear hears what comes from the front, and what comes from the left side.

LEFT = M + S

The right ear hears what comes from the front, and what comes from the right side. If the back side of the figure 8 is facing right, then that signal is inverted from what you want, so


It works - try it.

anonymous Fri, 03/04/2005 - 19:46

The easiest way to explain how the stereo image appears is to first understand how a bi-directional mic works.
Since you have negatve polarity on one side, and positive on the other, duplicating the signal and flipping the phase on one of the channels in theory gives you silence.

Now, you pan them left & right and add in the cardiod mid mic until it's phase characteristics actually start reversing the cancellation from the doubled side mics.

this actually places your individual instruments in the appropriate position of the stereo field, as in your Hi-hats will appear to be coming from the left (right hander set up) and your floor tom & ride from the right. then your image goes from as small as you want it to be to as big as you want it to be.


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