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I tried researchig this but can't find a definite answer. I'm thinking of purchasing an 828 mkII to use mainly as a send/return device for external effects & processors. Can it stream 8 chanels of audio from a daw to 8 different outboard devices while simultaneously streaming the 8 processed signals back to the daw using the 8 balanced analog ins & outs? I seem to remember reading (not on an official MOTU site) that there is a limit to the number of channels one can send back out from the PC through the firewire.
Thanks in advance.


maintiger Wed, 11/09/2005 - 13:58

yes, it has 8 analog ins and outs- it also has 2 other analog in w/preamps, plus the 8 via adat as huub said. It also has spdif in/out plus main analog out (L R) and auxiliary outs. As to a channel limit I have recorded as many as 16- 17 channels at one time before- the limit is 20, 2 via pres, 8 analog, 2 spdif and 8 adat