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EV RE-20 vs RODE


I am working with a church that has an Electro-Voice RE-20 and wants to record their soloists..mostly female. I suggested they get a RODE NT1, NT2, etc with better frequency response. The Electro-Voice sounds thin and checking into the response I can see why.

Isn't the RE-20 used mostly for bass drum? Anyone familiar with the Electro-Voice mic?

Tube Royer Ribbon Mic!


Yup. I saw it at NAMM. Uses a super duper tube that is out of print (Royer buys 'em for about $70 each). Mega specs, and I have forgotten all of them. It looked pretty cool, I mean warm, and damn, I forgot the model number too.

It's amazing how much you can see in 6 hours if you really try. And I had to schmooze some artists/endorsees too.

Shinspints in LA,

60 million records with a Shure SM7($300) mic!


Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" was recorded by Bruce Sweiden through a Massenburg console and a Shure SM7 mic. Bruce said he wanted the sound of a dynamic mic specifically, and not a large condensor(Mix Mag 1997). This was a number one song, and was the Hottest! thing when I was in 3rd grade. To all my fellow gear junkies...when in doubt use your ears and experiment, not your wallet.