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Controlling Vocal bleeding


I sing in an Acapella group (4 guys) - NarrowWay. We are recording with an amateur friend but has a decent home studio. We are working on our second CD. I do all the editing. The biggest problem we face is that when trying to edit the individual tracks, sometimes there is so much bleed over from the other singers, its nearly impossible to edit!

guys Korg d1600mk 2 or a computer based program to mix and record vocals


Guys please advise i just bought a Korg d1600 mk ii digital mixer and was wondering do i mix my tracks on the mixer without a pc or would you recommend i connect it to the pc and mix the tracks on a pc based software instead. if i have to connect it to the pc how do i link the pc based software to the mixer?

Old School Hip Hop Vocals? (90's)


I'm about to get started in recording songs but I need to know what equipment to get to get that 90's type of vocal sound.

I have 300$ to buy either a a mixer or mic preamp or whatever I should get to at least get me started. I plan to also buy a Stellar CM5. Something like Too Short - Way to real has that special delay and warm sound that I like.