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Cubase SX?

Looks like Steinberg has announced another new product at the Musikmesse show in Frankfort Germany, the new "Cubase SX". Here is a quote from Computer Music Web Site:

"Nuendo meets Cubase - new nuendoesque audio engine, new VST instruments, Full OSX/XP support, more effects, 5.1 mixing, unlimited undo and more..."

Is there anything that do this?

I want to combine a couple of monitor systems to one or more recording setup.

My demands: 2 or 3 fullrange outputs with switches.
Volume controls would be nice to adjust volume betrween subs and "tops"(couldn't find the right word)

Then it would be very nice to be able to have different inputs so i couldswitch between the recording unit, CD player...

Rauland pro204 mic preamp/mixer question

Hi all
I've had this thing sitting around for a couple of years now, not even sure if it works, but it looks super-clean! It's a Rauland pro204 4 channel mic preamp/mixer. The only trouble is, no indication of what kind of input voltage it needs for a power supply. I remember vaguely hearing 24V - but my memory's not trustworthy to risk it. Any advice?


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