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good multi-channel A/D converters?


I have been using the converters that come standard with my HD24 (I typically run 44.1k, using an external clock) for some time. No real complaints, but I am thinking of upgrading my converters.

I am looking for a single space unit (yes, this is a remote rig) that will do 16 or even 24 ch AD. Eight channels won't do it, as I typically run between 8 and 16 channels.


Here's Paul White from SOS talking about how he did a mix recently:

"My approach to this mix combined my usual housekeeping chores and some core strategies, with other techniques adopted on the fly."

It would be really interesting for me to compare my experience in these three categories with other people's experience. Anybody interested?

Help with upgrade decision please!


Im very new to the forum thing, but it's worth the try.
Im currently using a Digi 003 and have a couple of
PreSonus 26•26 firestudios. I wanna upgrade to a better

What would u suggest? I was looking a MOTU HD 192
system or even a nice pro tools had system(used)
And if it's in the price range. Thanks and please help!

Waveforms are not right when I have recorded


Hope you can help me out. I record in Logic (using a MOTU Ultralite audio interface), but looking at the waveforms, I record too loud. It's driving me nuts.

In Logic I have the volume way below 0dB when I record guitar/bass/vocs. The waveforms look like big black blocks.

Is it because of Logic or the soundcard?

Please help!


Different audio interface .

Hi all sound experts ! What is the difference between a medium budget interface and a "state of the art" interface ? Is the sound so enormous better in a Prism,Apollo, Lynx for ex.
If you compare these with MOTU .RME and others for about 1500 US dollar . I am a newbei with studio stuff so I bought my MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid on recommendations .


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