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Mic for online music lessons with little feedback

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Submitted by Joong-In Rhee on

I give music lessons online and want to upgrade the sound to include an external mic with an interface (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2). Which mic has least feedback? I don't mind dynamic one - how about the Shure 57 or 58? Should I get a shotgun mic instead? Which brand?

Thank you in advance for helping a newbie out...

Cello and Piano Mics for small room

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Submitted by Joong-In Rhee on

I am recording cello and piano in a small-medium size room that is too bright and live acoustically - I can't really treat it except to put a blanket under the piano.

What mic setup would you all recommend? I always used X-Y stereo on 2 small diaphragm cardoid mics and a large diaphram cardoid as spot mic up close (6 inches).

Changing Tubes - ART Tubeopto 8

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Submitted by Alexthebore on


Ive read a few threads about changing the tubes on the ART Tubeopto 8. I got my hands on some vintage telefunken ecc83 smooth plates and I can’t wait to hear how these sound! Several of the threads I’ve found note that you need to remove the tube snubbers before you pull out the tubes and replace them after.

Technical question about getting plugins information

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Submitted by Henri9009 on

Hi all!

So close to what I'm searching for, I wonder if there would be a solution. I'm aware that it would be almost a miracle if I success.

Mac user, I have an old PC Cubase session. I really want to work again on that song. In the first place, I want to rebuild it (the old version is great to me).