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Recording a Rumba Flamenca nylon string guitar

Hello Forum,

I'm trying to find any tips on how to record a Rumba Flamenca Nylon string guitar using a single condenser mic. Also, any information on how to apply EQ, compression, reverb, etc to the guitar. Is there any online application that can provide you like a guide on what settings to use on reverb or delay or any other effect?

Thanks in advanced,


"Who We Are" - back in the studio "Brown Haired Girl"

Hey all!

WWA (my group) has returned to tracking a new collection for release somewhere on the calendar next year. I've got this piece nearly done - but for some background vocals inserted in the chorus.

We lost a couple members (one moved out of state, and the other got too busy) since I last checked in, and we're down to a 4 piece band now.

Samplitude Revolver Tracks & a bug workaround

Hi to all,
I'm glad I can finally give you this video who gave me a bit of challenge.
I recorded a part where I expose a bug when recording multiple takes and I give you a workaround.
I should remind you that I'm not paid for making those videos.
I just like to show what I learn and there is a lot to know with Samplitude !