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"Who We Are" - back in the studio "Brown Haired Girl"

Hey all!

WWA (my group) has returned to tracking a new collection for release somewhere on the calendar next year. I've got this piece nearly done - but for some background vocals inserted in the chorus.

We lost a couple members (one moved out of state, and the other got too busy) since I last checked in, and we're down to a 4 piece band now.

Avast = Lag?

I'm now in a position where I have finished building my pc and I'm very happy with it. (Intel i7 8700k, 32gb DDR4, Nividia 1060 6gb). Over the years I've always come across audio stutter pops and crackles and yes, my eleven rack could be a cause despite what buffer size I use and I do intend on getting a Audient id14 or id22 (Black Friday soon).

Samplitude Revolver Tracks & a bug workaround

Hi to all,
I'm glad I can finally give you this video who gave me a bit of challenge.
I recorded a part where I expose a bug when recording multiple takes and I give you a workaround.
I should remind you that I'm not paid for making those videos.
I just like to show what I learn and there is a lot to know with Samplitude !

PC outside control room

I need some help choosing the right equipment for my brand new studio.
I am building a room that I will use to rehearse and record drums. My PC is located in another room, which is more or less 10 m far away.
I have to choose an audio interface and a way to control everything while having my case far away, so my questions are: