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Barrier Strip

Also know as a terminal strip. A series of screw terminals arranged in a line, to which other devices are connected. Popular on equipment from about twenty years ago due its low cost and reliability, nowadays the connectors are mostly found on amplifiers or crossovers that are going to be installed into permanent installations.


A display device indicating a value, usually by means of a row of LED's or LCD segments. One or more LED's or LCD segments illuminate to display the present value of the function being monitored. Bargraphs have replaced fragile and expensive mechanical meters for most low-cost audio equipment.


Used to describe patchbays or cables based on the Western Electric/AT&T long frame switchboard. Sometimes referred to as TT bays. Liked by professional installations because of the large number of points that are available for a given size patchbay.


Technically the term refers to the width of the range of frequencies that any digital or analog signal occupies on a given transmission medium. Audio bandwidth is generally given as 20 Hz to 20kHz, although there are harmonic components in audio that extend far above the 20k point. Generally, when presented as a specification, the wider the frequency response the better.

Bandpass Filter

An electronic device or circuit that allows signals between two specific frequencies to pass, but that attenuates signals at other frequencies. Bandpass filters that have amplifiers for boosting the levels of signals in the accepted frequency range are known as active filters. Devices that do not amplify and consume no power in doing their task are referred to as passive filters.

frequency band

A range of frequencies, as defined by a regulatory authority or by commonly accepted usage. In audio, the term usually refers to equalizers, in particular graphic EQ's. In telecommunication, a frequency band is a specific range of frequencies in the radio spectrum. Used in wireless microphones.

Balanced Circuit

A signal-carrying circuit that employs two signal-carrying conductors plus a ground. Each of the two signal conductors carries the same signal potential but with the polarity of one reversed with respect to the other. Any noise that is induced into the circuit will be common to both "legs" and on arrival at the destination, is cancelled out by combining the out of phase signals.