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PQ encoding

All CDs have points which the player can use to locate tracks and display timing information. This lets the user play a particular track, or program the machine to play tracks in a certain order. PQ flags marking each track are encoded onto the master at the end of the mastering stage.


DPPI - Digital Pre-Press Integration Inc. specializes in providing IT outsourcing (on both Mac and PC platforms) to businesses that are not large enough to have an internal IT department as well as providing specialized Macintosh-based support to companies that do not have the internal resources to support this platform.

lossy formats

In information technology, lossy compression is a data compression method which discards (loses) some of the data, in order to achieve its goal, with the result that decompressing the data yields content that is different from the original, though similar enough to be useful in some way.


Null: undefined, empty, or meaningless value.

Examples in Micing techniques to reduce bleed or unwanted standing Waves: Always aI'm the null of the polar pattern at the offending noise source. For example, if recording a snare drum aI'm the null of the mic at the high-hat to reduce high-hat leakage into the snare mic.

Linkwitz Riley

Seigfried Linkwitz, a Hewlett Packard engineer along with a co-worker Russ Riley, authored a paper in 1976, in which they described a new form of crossover, which improved vastly on the standard that existed at the time. Nowadays, many crossover designs in the sound reinforcement community utilize the Linkwitz-Riley filters.
(See Filter)


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