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Noise Shaping

A system developed to compensate for the quantization errors that are introduced into digital audio files when reducing the bit rate of the data, such as when preparing audio for CD duplication. A certain amount of noise is added to the audio data, which helps to smooth the errors. In which part of the audio spectrum this noise resides varies from one developer to another.

Nyquist Theorem

A principle used by engineers when designing equipment for the digitization of analog signals. Due to the complex nature of sampling audio, the theory states that for any given sample rate, the maximum bandwidth of the analog source must fall below one half the sampling frequency. If this formula is not followed, errors in the form of aliasing will be introduced into the data file.


Term used to describe the position of a sound source in reference to the microphone recording the source. Generally, a microphone will record best when the source is directly in front of it, but since moving the microphone off-axis results in coloration of the signal, engineers sometimes use it to good effect.


Although used to describe the temporary condition of not being connected to a network, for audio and video purposes the term refers to the processing of files that is not done in real time. Often it is because the computational device is not fast enough to perform the operation while the source is playing. In postproduction, the act of non-linear editing is also considered off-line.


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