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Studio Worthy Mic Pre's, EQ's, compressor/s, etc...


Hi fellow studio junkies. To get to the point. I own a small scale home studio. I am researching what kind of hardware/ software additions to make to achieve the best, budget friendly, BOTTOM LINE.
I know most of you, "big boys," out there will say the more $$$ the better the results. I know this.

mic preamp, compressor both in the $1500 - $2000 range



I'd appreciate anyone's suggestions on this. I've been doing project studio recording for three years now, and I'm pretty well sold on using software plugins in Pro Tools for mixing, but I'd like to invest in some quality front end pieces.

Specifically, I want to get a good mic preamp, and a good compressor for tracking. I can go up to $2K on each unit.

8 mic preamp unit with ADAT (light pipe) out


I'm looking for a nice 8 mic preamp unit with ADAT out for recording live gigs. I have some nice mic preamps at home (Avalon/Grace) and I don't intend these pres to be as good as those. I know my live recordings will not be as good as my other recordings because of the varrious rooms and track bleed. I will be feeding the ADAT into my MOTU 828mkII.