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Did this in Samplitude, anyone using that program out there

I have some really good songs but my production is not all it could be. I'm open to suggestions or possibly offers. Very limited budget. If you don't want to listen to the sound of myspcace clips I have some high res Mp3 clips posted on the last address. Thanks and hope to hear from you all.

What software should I think about getting for my Mac?

I don't know the first thing about mastering and I have only just started on my recording path. I have a Mac and I am just using garage band for now. I wonder if there is something out there for mastering music that is as introductory and elementary as garage band. I like the idea of just figuring out how to use what is simple first and then upgrading.

I'm not sure i love my Eclipse

I spent this years audio budget on an eventide eclipse. I'm not saying that it's not cool. It's got 400 unique effects presets. But I was mainly hoping it would be my go-to reverb. I didn't think i was that picky about reverbs, and that one solid reverb unit would meet 75-80% of my needs. Anyways, so far I don't think it does that at all.

I want to design a new plugin called EXPERIENCE

I have been reading recent posts here and elsewhere on the WWW. It seems like people are asking more and more for a plugin or a piece of equipment that they can use which will give them the right sound or THAT sound or make them a million dollars with their next recording project.