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Cubase sx3 input/tempo issue

So I'm having 2 problems. I'm embarassed about them but I'll ask anyway.
I'm using a Sound Blaster Platinum card and I plug my input into the "mic 2/line in" input. For some reason, I only have this trouble in Cubase but for the life of me, I can't find the place to specify that this is the input I'm using! Does anyone know where I can apply this setting?

Consistency when working with two seperate softwares.

Hello everyone, pretty new here. I'm building a song in reason 3.0 it's becoming pretty cpu intensive. I've got a lot of combinators running these patterns etc and I I'd like to re-create my' music in pro-tools. I've tried rewiring but it's difficult trying to get the mix to gel as it did solely in reason. Whatsmore it seems I cannot actually record anything this way.

Word on my Imac with Logic?

Sorry if this type of question has been asked before but I use my intel Imac with Logic for recording and also as a handy tool for teaching. I have not connected my Imac to the web to keep it clean but I was wondering if it is adviseable to install Word, Excel, etc. on it or if this will be a bad idea and cause problems with the recording side of things.