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Outfittin' the new digs

As a few of ya' know, I've extolled the Toft ATB. I've been looking at it really hard among the many choices out there...

I've looked at used large format; API, SSL and Neve. Generally 32 and 48 frames.

The glitch is at $125k, a large format console just doesn't make sense... they barely make sense in the $65k range... like the SSL 4056 fitted 32, I was looking at.

Nitrous and stereo linking compression

Hi. I have been salivating over the new compressor that you guys make called Nitrous. Am I to understand that two Nitrous can be connected togethr to make a stereo Nitrous for two channel linking compression?
If so, could you please explain in lay terms how this is done?
What I want to know is which one becomes the master? .Or is the compressing taken from both sides?

$4,000~$1,000 near-field choices.

I've been looking at adding a good pair of monitors to my setup (a 16x10x8 room in an apartment, which also needs acoustic treatment), and I was ready to just get a higher-low-end pair like the Mackies, until I investigated further into the mid-end monitors. Lately I've done A/B tests at some of the pro audio stores around here, and the ones I'm currently considering are:

IO audio interfaces and mixing consoles.

I was thinking about making my next interface something like the M-audio project mix console but wanted to get some input from others.
Would I be able to mic a whole kit and record it into Sonar or Pro Tools with this?
Would I have problems mixing more than 8 tracks with this?
Recording vocals and guitars with this?