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How to get in touch with my software plugins ?

I extremely miss a accurate handson console for Plugins .

I am searching for a intelligent controller where I can touch my mastering chain .

Now I work a lot with Wavelab and UAD, Waves, and Nomad Factory,…

How do the softwareguy`s work on there plugins,,,, or do you all ride the mouse.


What orchestral software?

I'm looking to buy some sort of package of sampled orchestral osunds, but I really don't have a clue what I'm doing. I understand real instruments much better than software controlled ones. I really just want something that I can use to add some string arrangements to my pop/rock music. Really, I'm far more interested in the strings than I am in any of the other instrument families.

CPU usage/Sonar

I'm running a Sonar with an oldish PC. Now, I'm having troubles with mixing i.e. dropouts while recording a complete mix. Is there an easy way to give a little help for the poor PC? I'm almost done with mixing but few songs just won't go. So I'm not going to upgrade the PC for this purpose. That will happen later. It's the CPU meter that is running red, not the HD.

Please help, I need active near fields w/ smaller footprint.

Hello, I am in a situation here, After working for a while with a pair of Mackie hr824's that I'm pretty pleased with, I need to swap them for something with a smaller footprint. Iv'e been looking into the blue sky 3 way system,(system 2?), but I havent heard all too much about them, and what I have heard hasnt been so great.


Hi, first time poster here. I am about to purchase an Apogeetrak2 for about 1150US. it comes with the 8channel DA out and ADAT and midi cards. from what i understand this is an amazing deal.

I am setting up my mini "studio" for the first time, and this is the first serious piece of gear i purchase (I originally worked out of a laptop with an echo indigo io).

Protoolz HD session to CubaseSX2

The title pretty much says it. A band is going to bring me files from a protoolz session and I am going to be mixing in CubaseSX2. I have tried searching and googling, but I am still a little unsure how to tell them what to do. As far as I can tell, the options are:
1. Export as OMF, assuming the studio has bought the Digi OMF-exporting whatever.