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Mic preamp Wish List

So Im going to start gearing up in the next few years and with some good mic preamps. I havent researched these as much as I have mics probably cause they arent as sexy to look at. What I have used lately is the octopre with all the goodies on it which I love. Ive also used the ISA 428 which was good but seemed noisy if I remember right.


Curently i have a fender blues deville 4x10 from 1994. I record using a sm57, into a firestudio project to my software. My amp sounds pretty good when i play with it live in overdive..but when i record just sounds weak and fuzzy. I have about 1500 to spend, Would i be better off with a great preamp like a groove tubes SuPRe, or would i be better off getting a mesa boogie amp.