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TC Electronic G Natural troubleshooting help and advice

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Submitted by tedsorvino on Sat, 11/30/2024 - 06:33

Hi all. 

I recently found a non functioning TC Electronic G Natural unit, that i don’t know its story. 

I tried the voltages on the main board pcb and they were very low (2vdc and 3.8vdc instead of 3.3vdc and 5vdc respectively on the digital side and -11vdc and 11vdc instead of -15vdc and +15vdc, respectively, on the analog side).

FBT M12X4 preamp-mixer problems

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Submitted by tedsorvino on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 00:29

Hi everyone. I recently found a used FBT M12X4 preamp unit and apparently there is a problem with one of the 2 channels (tested in every input).
I have experience on repairing stuff but i can’t find any schematic or service manual online.
Does anyone have the schematic for that unit or any idea of any similar fbt device.

2007 APB Dynasonic Spectra T24i Right Channel Issue

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Submitted by PZP on Mon, 02/12/2024 - 12:42

I have a analog APB Dynasonic Spectra t24i that is a great sounding board but has developed an issue.  The right channel no longer returns any sound on any of the 24 channels.  Solo and all the Aux channels are perfect.  I've cleaned ribbon cables and replaced three fans in it.  It was dropped by the delivery company hard enough to crack the plastic on the side.

1970s vintage mixing desk power supply and origin

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Submitted by LearningProduction on Tue, 01/30/2024 - 09:35

hi there everyone. i recently picked up this old mixing desk for a good price and ive been wanting to try and get it up and running and see what it sounds like. my first step is that i need to get a 4 pin power supply cable to power the unit and wanted to see if anyone knew exactly what voltage and everything something like this would need.


Alesis imultimix 8 repair

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Submitted by Lee2020 on Wed, 08/24/2022 - 15:23

I have an alesis imultimix 8 usb mixer the power connector wires have come off that connect to the power connector which sits on back of mixer can anyone tell me how these connect back on please the connector has 1,2,3 labelled on it but i have no idea where the different wires go to any help or photos of another one be very much appreciated and grateful 

Shure 545S Series 2 Repair

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Submitted by buck1112 on Mon, 07/25/2022 - 14:09


I have an older, used, "patent pending," Shure 545S Series 2 (pistol grip) microphone, and I'm gradually fixing it, having first reassembled the switch in the handle section.  I do get sound from the mic, but it is a little on the quiet, "hollow," and less low-frequency side.  I'm using it as high-impedance.