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How much do you spend on DAW plugins and software

how much have you spent on "plugs" and software ? how long do they work for you before you have to upgrade/ update them?

and while we are at it . what about computers? how often do you buy a new one? how often do you have to upgrade software?

the real question is, what is the total expense of the keeping and feeding of a DAW and it's associated peripherals?

Is Mackie worth the cheap price?

I'm looking at getting an audio mixing board and want to spend no more than $200. At first I was going to get a Behringer 1204x with USB. However reading reviews and fourm entries I decided against it. Currently, I see the Mackie Pro-FX8 mixer. It offers all the features and more than the Behringer for the same price.

Equipment for switching music between recording and DJ

I could really use some advice on choosing equipment. I have a custom built PC and I want to be able to switch back and forth between music production (recording), DJ (both live and recording) and listening to music with as much quality as possible. In other words switchable between flat and non-flat. Where I am especially lost is the USB Audio Interface and DAC.

Problems with MIDI keyboard, no signal in DAW.

I am beginner in home recording. I've recently bought a new audio interface, the Tascam US-122MKII, to record audio, guitar and MIDI tracks. I've successfully recorded all but the latter. For some reason I can't get any signal from my keyboard in my recording software. I've connected correctly the MIDI cables also.

recording gear update. Need advise.

I need to update my recording gear and need suggestions. I have an old G4 and 7.4 Pro Tools. Need to get in touch with this decade ha. I only do my guitar and bass parts here so fairly simple needs. Not sure what computer to actually get or what interface etcetera. I should have paid more attention during the last 10 years as we made our CDs in those big studios.