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I really wish customers would read my advertising blurb!

Just a desperation rant really.

I sell quite a few microphones, via my own website and on ebay. Now I always explain what they are for - and long ago I realised that you have to tell typical ebay buyers that MUST have 48V phantom power means, well, you MUST have it - but still, even after the warnings people buy them.

Lots of overdubbed guitars...

Hi! I have a problem.

In my never-ending quest for new tones and textures, I have recently overdubbed my rhythm guitars 20 times.

That's 20 takes of them playing in unison. I want an "orchestra" effect, and I don't mind doing the overdubs.

Thing is, I can't hear them all. I hear what sounds like 4 or 5 guitars. The only difference is volume, of course.

Home Recording on Android smartphone?

Hi folks, new to this forum and also relatively new to digital recording. I'm curious if anyone knows of a way to do basic multitrack recording using an Android smartphone (I have a Samsung Galaxy S2). I'm looking for the capability to record from an externally connected mic or instrument, the ability to record at mic or line levels, and the ability to bounce tracks.


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