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Recently put together the following:
Asus P4B266, PIV 1.6, 512 ram, two Deskstar HDs and Win2000 SP2.

Once in a while the screen goes blank for a few seconds and then - Reboot.
Doesn't seem to be related to what I was doing. It has done it while running Sound Diver, Sonar or just on the internet.


Is Dreamweaver a cool web app?

I need advice on web creation tools. This is all new to me. I registered three domain names at Then I got in on a hosting deal that was posted at anandtech. 110Mb space, 6Gb month transfer for $3.90 year. I bought 5 of these hosting plans for $19.50 ! Two for me, one for the wife one for each kid. (Talk about your go daddys!) I don't know WTF I'm doin, but it sounds like fun.

Electrix Repeater (digital loop/phrase sampler)

Has anybody tried one of these things?

I'm non-DAW (I use a DA7/Mx2424 set up),
and could occasionally use something like this...

I have a sampling K2000, which could probably work,
but it isn't really something I grab when I need
to quickly manipulate a sample...


Bob Phillips