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Advice needed on 16 ch mixer for remote recordings?

I am going to take my business outside of the studio and record live shows. I need a mixer. 16 channel with direct outs on all 16ch. A talk back mic would be nice but I am sure doesnt usually come on such a small chassis. It would have to be rackmountable. Individual phantom would be agreat feature with some nice pres's. Any suggestions?
Allen & Heath - mixmaster?

What happens to MIDI in the computer?

Been trying to troubleshoot my MIDI setup. I have SOnar and three MIDI interfaces (Sound blaster, MIDIMAN USB and the one on my roland digital mixer). I understand how Sonar is suppose to patch ins to outs but what about when Sonar is not running? How does one particular MIDI in go out to one particular MIDI out?


Welcome Bill Roberts and RecorderMan!

everyone, let's welcome RecorderMan, and Bill Roberts as our newest editions to The RO Team Of Moderators, Producers/Engineers/Hardware Forum. Guys like you are what makes RO so excellent!

Looks like we have a pretty serious forum happening here now :eek:

"Steve, Bill and RecorderMan", lol!

see the Mods page for more info on these guys!