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Aardvark Q10 Windows2000 beta drivers?

Well, I am an idiot. I got an Aardvark Q10 (which is ugly, but otherwise fits my need for one of my computers) without bothering to check if they had a Windows 2000 driver available (I mean, who doesn't?). They're in some sort of post-beta, pre-release mode that you have to apply to take part in, which I have.

wierd FFFFTTTTT sounds at random?

hey i just up graded my mobo from an asus a7m266 w/1333 athalon to an MSI k7t266 pro w/xp2000+ everything is working fine and I love the power boost but I have a new wierd little sounds that has ruined a few really goo takes and I need to fix it? please let me know in this thread what info the forum will need to discover this little foible in my rig
Love Curran Murphy

Holding artists music hostage in your computer!

Months ago I embarked on several projects at once then go kinda snowed under, months later I am only just now getting to the end of mixing them. It was not fair of me to keep so many projects waiting around... I really dont want to do it again.. I hope to just bang em out in future - 'wham bam, thank you mam" style!

Anyone else suffering from projects lingering in the DAW?