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3 DAWs - 3 sounds? Reaper vs Sonar vs Samplitude

3 DAWs - 3 sounds? Reaper vs Sonar vs Samplitude In this video, I test 3 DAWS by doing the exact same mix of the same song. There was a long debate as if every DAWs sounded the same and I thought it was time to get a true answer.

I also give a link to downloadable multitracks songs.

What do you think of the tests, convincing ?

I'll Admit It: Digital Gear is Insanely Confusing to Me, and I Need Help

I've been away from the music world since 2013, when my last band broke up. It's been a long hiatus, but I've been chatting with a few members of that old band, and we're going to form a new project this Spring/ Summer. Which means I need to buy and build a new recording setup.

High Frequency Limiter/Multi-band Compressor

Anyone have any recommendations to tame highs in Mastering. I'm looking at a Drawmer 1973 right now because of my budget. Trying to stay out of the digital realm right now and do most if not all my processing in the analog realm. I'm also considering saving up for a Weiss Unit or a Maslec MBC. Any suggestions for outboard gear?


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