Omni-directional mic for background/far voices
Scenario: We have around 20-30 people meeting in a normal house living room and we would like to record the discussions. So we would need a microphone that can be placed in the center and that can record voices of people 15-20 feet away - more like being able to record all the background noises.
Background air conditioning noise
I have recorded a conference where I could not switch of the air conditioning, and so there is a background hum in all my recordings, which are here:
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mic muted, click record, lots of background noise!
This is my first post here... I'm trying to slowly build up a recording system that I can move around with me so we can record some hand drum, string, and vocal. At present I'm trying to get just one mic to work properly with my laptop or desktop.
How do I cut the background music from my freestyle?
i have a grip of freestyles me and my friends were just playin around makin and i want to cut the music out the background and put a bunch of the lyrics together and then add a new beat for the entire track. currently I'm using Nero for recording and editing music. i tried to figure it out but just couldnt do it. but atleast i found this forum :)
background noise on a grand 7)
hello, i am currently working with a friend and recording her a piano EP. i am using logic pro 7 but even after using a load of gates, there is still unwanted background noise. eg: noise from the sustain pedal, and also a small amount of hiss: which really bothers me.
background information about recording music
I am 15 years old and have been around musica my whole life, from singing in church choir when I was 5 to playing guitar and piano now. I know that I want to make money off of music when I grow up and recording sounds like a great job where you can be around all kinds of music and new bands. The problem is, I have no idea what to do. I don't know any of the equipment.
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How to get background music out? Song - Acapella
Im getting into vocal samples in my beats. I wanna kno if anybody knows a plugin or...technique that can get out background mucis and make an acapella. Please help me out.
Very low signal and background hiss recording guitar
hi there!
i'm using Samplitude on a p4-3.06 with 1gb ddr machine with RME hammerfall multiface, an AKG C414-BTL-II microphone, and a custom made mic preamp-amp (i'm not rich, i have funding from a record company :) )
Panning Pop and RnB Background Vocals
I've been studying several RnB and Pop mixes. I've noticed the separation that they get with the mixes among the backgrounds, leads and the instruments. It seems that the backgrounds are often being panned hard left and right with the leads, kick, bass and snare center. The instruments such as keys and guitars seem to be at 3,4,8 and 9 o'clock.
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MIDI background flutter
Hi all...I just discovered this thread and enjoy it immensely. As for my problem...
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