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Bus or Buss Audio In audio engineering, a bus (alternate spelling buss, plural busses) is a signal path which can be used to combine (sum) individual audio signal paths together. It is used typically to group several individual audio tracks which can be then manipulated, as a group, like another track.

PT mixbuss potluck.

I apologize if this suggestion has already been put out there, but I'm always curious to compare/exchange mixes done entirely *inside* PT with others who are doing the same. This isn't an attempt to start yet another debate over the Pro Tools mix bus, math, etc. Let's just assume for a moment that there is some degree of wierdness there.

Mackie Digital 8 Buss

Who is using the D8B and what do you think of it so far? What are you recording to? Any tips on setting it up? How many MFX and UFX cards do you really need? Is the automation smooth enough to use? Any software limitations or bugs that cause headaches?

I've talked to dealers and reps and Mackie guys directly, but I want to know what the people who have them think. Thanks.

The 2-mix buss/console question?

Originally posted by DAvid Goodermuth on another thread:

"It has been my experience that the 2-bus is a weak point in a lot of analog consoles, as well as the daw sh*t. The SSL E's and G's 2-bus totally sucked. Most quality studios using SSL's bypassed the factory 2-bus either with on-board mods, or outboard faders. The "J" seems to be better, but most of the daw's do indeed blow."


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