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Cheap-o Recordings

Hello, my name is Chase and I would like to know how to make professional-sounding (what I mean is NO FEEDBACK) recordings. Recordings without hissing and other annoying noises. I have a cheap mic and a used Shure mic already, along with all the instruments I need, but when I try to record, there are annoying hissing sounds with BOTH mics. I a newb, so I know little about this.

Upgrading my home recording equipment, Tips for keeping it cheap?

As i'm sure has been brought up here the basic Macbook which i currently use no longer has a firewire input. This is a problem i haven't had a problem with as an LE w/MBox home recording system. But now that i'm looking for work a higher level of professionalism is required in my home mixing and recording.

Tired of Cheap Gear

A little sick of the questionable quality of lower end gear. I'm not looking for a major investment but I'm looking for something reliable. I've been considering the A&H Zed R16 or there's also the Fireface. I know that people are quite satisfied with the RME stuff. I'm wondering though about the Zed R16. Anyone using it with Windows 7?