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Annoying Crackle/Click Every Few Seconds

So I have gone all over trying to find a reason why my recordings through my Studio Projects B1 Large Condenser Mic (through a PreSonus Audiobox Digital Interface) now have a click/crackle sound every 3-10 seconds. It isn't extremely loud, but I can hear it and it annoys the crap out of me. This is all new equipment and it was not doing this on my recordings a month ago.

Causes for random pops an clicks

I asked this questions a long time ago and was told very aptly that my wireless internet was causing these random occurrences of artifacts I guess they're called. I shut off my cell phone, wireless internet, and every piece of electronics that has blue tooth. and it worked.. until now. They're back, the only thing I know that's changed is my graphics which lead to some sound problems at first.

Trying to figure out how to change time within a click track

Hello I am using Cubase, and i am trying to figure out how to set a click track for my drummer. We have a few timing changes within the songs we are playing, and iam kinda new to the whole drum recording thing. How do i build a click track for each individual song, and can i change the sound of the click to something like a cowbell instead of the annoying beeping within the program

Need some help making a click in Sonar 7

hi everyone,

i am very new to recording and was given the task of mapping out the click tracks for all of my bands songs so that we can save studio time. the problem is that our songs are not 1 BPM throughout the whole song.

so what i need to set up is a click that changes BPM's for example having he verses be 140 and the chorus' be 170.