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Adjust buffer settings to avoid pops/clicks?

Sorry about the duplication (posted on eMagic as well) but I need some help...

I'm running a PC based MOTU 828 w/ Logic Plat software and I keep getting pops and clicks during playback and bounce-down. I have heard adjusting the buffer settings may stop this. What do I set them to? This is driving me nuts... :(

Thanks for the help.

zip >>

Manley Reference clicks

During a vocal recording today, I noticed the occasional click on the recording (similar to that created when a digital system can't quite cope or it's clocks are out of sync) about once every minute or so. After checking all of the clocks etc. I realised that it was coming from pre-ADC source (I saw one spike on the pre-amp during a take). The mic is a Manley valve Reference.

Would a top notch comp/preamp 'cause clicks...

I've noticed that with vocal recordings (voicovers) done w. a Neumann (any TLM) and say an AMEK preamp and a D3 or dbx (simply put; top of the line preamps and compressors) spittle-sounds or abrupt transients will cause extra click-type sounds or small distortions. This shouldn't happen right ?
Or is this...natural vintage behaviour ?