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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

Cubase + Colossus

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Submitted by anonymous on

I just got EastWest's Colossus MIDI software and I use Cubase to record. Currently, I have figured out how to track the sound from Colossus as just an audio track in Cubase, but not MIDI. Is there a way to record MIDI data into Cubase using the MIDI Effects from Colossus? Is this a "rewire" thing I'm looking at? Any advice?

Cubase LE dual Moanitor setup

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Submitted by BarefootStudios on

Hello all. I have Cubase LE and jsut added a second video monitor. I can get the transport gui to the second monitor, but con't get the mixer or effects windows out of the first monitor. Any tips? Thanks, Barefoot. (it is HOT here in Ohio!) (I also have Reason 3.0 and can't seem to move much to she second monitor)

Cubase SX 3 crashes with multiple Firepods (OS X, Quad-G5)

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Submitted by anonymous on


We are migrating Cubase SX 3 projects (and all audio) from an older PC to a new Quad-core G5 with 2 PreSonus Firepods, and of course the latest Mac version of Cubase SX 3.


Cubase SX 3 crashes when trying to use BOTH Firepods that are connected and setup (as an Aggregrate Device) in Audio/Midi Setup.

Problems with my interface and Cubase sx 3

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Submitted by anonymous on

So as I said, I am using Cubase sx 3 along side with the PreSonus Firebox. My problem is when I moved on from Cubase LE and changed to using SX 3 I can't seem to get Mic/Inst input 1 to record as anything but mono which ends up panning to the left. The output in effect plays everything to the left as well. If anyone has any advice please IM me on magiCDuff. That's my aI'm name.