Converting Pro Tools mix to Nuendo or Cubase
Hey guys,
Just wondering whether i can import/export a mix done into Nuendo or Cubase to Pro Tools or vice versa.
Kind regards,
Hey guys,
Just wondering whether i can import/export a mix done into Nuendo or Cubase to Pro Tools or vice versa.
Kind regards,
I'm trying to figure out a way to be able to monitor the signal and add eq or effects from Cubase prior to recording. I can't find the VST sends window. as it doesn't exist. Anyone have a bus system or configuration that allows this in their setup?
Hello and Happy New year to all..I hope it is a great one for all of us :D
I am getting ready to build a DAW system for Cubase SX3
I have been told that this will do I am asking for other opinons prior to getting into it,,
I feel it is best to get as many ideas before the leap
Thanks a lot. .
i am just getting into computer recording and I have Tascam US122 interface and gigastudio and Cubase LE recording software but I can't get my guitar signal to appear at either recording software. I get a signal through US122 and can tune my guitar on the computer but i can not get a signal at the recording software. I have SB Live card. hat am I missing?
If I was your best friend, or a close relative, Lets say you have a awesome DAW system that you built for your Cubase SX3,,I am hoping you will show me your PC and all its goodies, so I could enjoy crash free recording, so I ask what is your sound card, interface, mother board, hard drive etc...
Thanks for your help
Happy Holidays
Jack :D
I'm sure my AKG microphone is set up properly, but when I click record no vocals show up in the audio track in Cubase le. Everything is connected through my INSPIRE 1394 with a firewire connection.
Here is an interesting one...
I got my Fireface up and running with Cubase SX3 on my laptop (Vaio) with no problems.
I recorded a concert last night with no problems and it sounds great!
can somebody help me with my problem am having. I used to program with ATARI but now am on pc and have noboby to give me lessons. i need a help from anyone else.
I have a PDF file of the manual for my Cubase SX. But it's a pain loading that up everytime I want to work on learning more about the program, and it would cost around 80$ to print it. Does anyone know where I can buy a hard copy of this?