I've had this before, but it always resolved itself, but I've proved it happens.
doppler shift
This is not strictly a monitoring or recording question but I am having difficulty finding a good place to ask this question since most of the forums I found seem to focus on recording and mixing rather than live sound.
Doppler effect - The apparent shift in frequency when the sound source, or the observer, is in motion.
I have a Roland Tri-Capture interface and Sonar X1 LE software. I have a Shure Beta 57a dynamic mic, an MXL 4000 large diaphragm condenser and an MXL 603s small diaphragm condenser. The 4000 is selectable between cardioid, omni and figure 8 pattern. Low budget, but it has gotten me started. The Tricapture has only one XLR input so stereo Micing is out (I think).
Wow, check this beauty out. Samar MF65.
With unparalleled sound, attention to detail, and craftsmanship, the MF65 is an instant classic, combining State of the ART technology with a completely original and innovative design, the MF65 sets a new standard for High-End ribbon microphones.
...that is the question.
Thanks in advance for your time and expertise.
Hi all...again!
Hello guys I'm a newbie here! I want to record a vocal track in Garageband (came free with my macbook), but I don't know what effect to use to get a certain sound I want.
I'll give you an example:
Hi all.
I recently started making field recordings in my spare time just for the fun of it, so far I have made some nice recordings of some trams and I am off soon to record a wind turbine and a few convolution impulses around some interesting architecture in my city.
Feel free to have a listen.
Tram 1
Tram 2