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Submitted by mikej on Mon, 02/04/2013 - 12:22

I have a Roland Tri-Capture interface and Sonar X1 LE software. I have a Shure Beta 57a dynamic mic, an MXL 4000 large diaphragm condenser and an MXL 603s small diaphragm condenser. The 4000 is selectable between cardioid, omni and figure 8 pattern. Low budget, but it has gotten me started. The Tricapture has only one XLR input so stereo Micing is out (I think).

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/01/2013 - 08:04

Wow, check this beauty out. Samar MF65.


With unparalleled sound, attention to detail, and craftsmanship, the MF65 is an instant classic, combining State of the ART technology with a completely original and innovative design, the MF65 sets a new standard for High-End ribbon microphones.

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Submitted by Coda. on Sun, 01/22/2012 - 14:29

Hi all.

I recently started making field recordings in my spare time just for the fun of it, so far I have made some nice recordings of some trams and I am off soon to record a wind turbine and a few convolution impulses around some interesting architecture in my city.

Feel free to have a listen.

Tram 1

Tram 2