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Small diaphragm condensers for guitar and drums OH

Hi everyone,

I've been looking for a pair of small diaphragm condensers that would work well with an acoustic guitar and for drums overheads.

Some people have suggested the SM81's for me. Any alternatives I should consider? They are within my budget, no problem, but I wonder if they are the best option (they seem to be a studio staple around here).


Recorderman Overhead Miking

Some here may remember the older thread where Recorderman described the way he liked to mic drums.

I am curious if anyone would be willing to chime in with some thoughts, ideas, suggestions about overheads to be used if following Recordermans suggestions.

First off, I have done it already with Beta57's and had some good luck, but I really need to use my 57's elsewhere...

Anyone using AT 4033 for Drum OH's?

Hi! My subject pretty much sums it up. I've been using AT 4041's for this application but thought I'd like to try a LD condenser and since I already own 1 4033 I was thinking about picking up another and trying them instead. Any of you folks using/have used 4033's in this manner? If so how do you like them as drum OH mics? Thanks very much in advance!
Bob Green


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