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Recording an Orchestra using Royer ribbon microphones, with engineer Robert Friedrich

Grammy-winning Classical Engineer Robert Friedrich gives us an in-depth look at the recording techniques used when recording "The Carnival Of The Animals" with the San Diego Symphony Orchestra. Friedrich relied heavily on ribbon microphones to achieve the desired sound quality.

Brand New Sound Engineer Looking For Advice and Tips

Hello, I have been doing this for quite some time and well, i always felt like i was advancing in the quality of my craft, but recently i feel like since i cant go too school or afford classes that my knowledge of recording is very limited. and i was wondering if i could get tips to have my music sounding more professional.

Interview with Mike Marsh, mastering engineer at The Exchange Studios

I recently added a new interview to my Oasis website and thought that some members of this forum may find it of interest; Mike Marsh mastered Oasis's album Be Here Now in 1997 and The Masterplan b-sides compilation in 1998, and has based this article on detailed notes he took during the original sessions at the Exchange studio.