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Need help on ancient Editing Software

I am talking about installing the hardware(Audiomedia II card) plus SDII on a PowerPC 8100/110 (not PCI bus ones) running OS 7.6

Since I bought it X handed and it came with very little documentation and I have no experience installing anything on a old mac. .

1)Is the combination going to work? I know those cards cannot run on "newer" macs

Is There a Way.. Sampling/Editing Question

hey everyone,

is there a way to take a sample (bass, drums, piano melody) and extract the bass line..? ive been trying to fiddle around with low pass filters on the eq, and I'm getting pretty close to removing the excess (the melody, etc), but it seems that the bass is losing some of its flavor. any help and suggestions would be great. thanks.

Classical Editing Gone Crazy

We are about to start a new CD project with a fantastic chamber group, where I know editing will be, again, a frustrating and time consuming process.

Its not that classical musicians cannot play, they all are, generally, consummate live performers.

Its that editing is now de rigueur for classical CD's and I find it the most onerous of all our work.

favorite classical recording/ editing platform?

Obviously a very silly question! I know that this forum is heavily loaded with Sequoia users who are not shy about professing their high regard for that system.

That said, I wonder if we might have a compare/ contrast of different applications? I'm kinda hoping against hope that this thread does not just turn into a Sequoia lovefest. Rather, can we compare the others too?

Editing avi files

First post. go easy.
Using Cool Edit Pro 2.1. I want to reduce the hiss and background noise on my avi files. I can extract the audio from the video, apply the effect, but can't figure out how to get the file back into the avi video. I have used CEP2 for hundreds of music files but not video/movies. Any help would be appreciated.


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