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Zapp & Roger type setting for Talk Box in Logic 9

So I finally got my talk box and i'm trying to choose a good synth to get that zapp & roger type sound. i've been trying saw tooths but it still is a little too harsh . squares sound a little too synthetic. does anyone have any suggestions ? i'm using logic and i've trying it through ES1 and ES2 synth plugins. I also have Sylenth1 and NI Massive/FM8

How to record audio with the Yamaha DGX-640 to Logic 9?


At the moment I'm busy with my digital piano of Yamaha, the DGX-640. I'll try to find a way to record audio to Logic 9 but it won't work out. Midi works but no audio. I already checked "Preferences" > "Audio", buttons "I" en "R" are enabled, still nothing. If there's somebody I'm glad to hear an answer back then.

Moving from Logic 5.5(PC) to Mac setup

For the last ten years I have being using a PC set up to run Logic Audio. I'm still using the Audiowerk card purchased 12 years ago. Although the system works fine I feel it time to move into the 21 Century and get a Mac setup.
What would be my best option in terms of computer (i.e. What Mac) external midi controller and Audio interface? I know nothing about Macs

Slowing down tempo of audio regions in Logic after beat mapping

I'm remixing a song and have beat mapped all the audio regions. I want to slow some of the regions/tracks down, but it just says:
"Multiple tempo events detected! Do you want to open the Tempo List?"

Do I have to redo the tempo on each tempo event if I want to slow it down? Isn't it an easier way to do it?

M-Audio Fast Track Ultra always resets to 44.1khz when recording in Logic 9?

I'm using my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra with Logic Pro 9, and it seems to be limited to a 44.1khz sample rate for some reason? If I go in the Audio MIDI setup utility on my macbook pro, I can set the sample rate for the Fast Track there to the maximum (96khz). I can also do the same in the Fast Track's control panel software.