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Where in the chain, do I place my meter?

I just purchased a Logitek outboard LED meter -- 4 channel (as in two stereo metered pairs).

On one pair, I want to meter the outputs of a hardware synth or other analog source before my outboard mixer (which has no meter).
On the other remaining meter inputs, I want to meter the mixer's output. .before it reaches my DAW's soundcard.


Level/Metering when tracking into Pro Tools HD3-Help!

Dear friends,
Forgive my english
How much/how hi (level) exactly when we record materials in to Pro Tools HD3 with 192 I/O.
I used to record a track as hot as posiible, but when it come to mixdown and inserted an analog gear (ie analog compressor :dbx160A,Focusrite blue etc) to that track, the level seems too hot, and clipped.
Please need advice..

PreSonus M-80 meters misread low frequencies

Just a note of caution to all M-80 owners, the meters on my M-80 do not read correctly for frequencies below 200 hz. I have noticed this on two other M-80's in our area and I am wondering if they all do this? To test you take a test tone oscillator and feed the M-80 a 1 khz tone at 1 volt, adjust the gain to read 0 db on the M-80.


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