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Mixing for loud masters!

I'm just curious. I read somewhere (don't remember where) that in order to achieve loud levels in mastering you have to mix your song a certain way. but they didn't say how.

Now my question to all ME's out there is, what must a mix have, or not have, to get a maximum of level without squashing it or getting undesired pumping?

I'd appreciate any comments.

bass mixing idea

I didn't know where else to put this, so here goes...As Davedog and others may know, I've had issues with getting a decent bass sound on my tracks. Many reasons for this, won't re-hash them here. Anyway! Friend of mine suggests to me, since this bass player is all over the fret-board, low to mid to high and such, why not think of it like a keyboard? Take the bass track, make two copies.

mixing/bouncing question

Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is a quick fix, but I keep running into this. My mixes sound pretty good when all is said and done...levels are great, not peaking, not too low. then i bounce and bring it into itunes, and the volume is significanlty lower than the avg. song. I've messed with limiting/compressing, but can't quite seem to get it right. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Need some advice for mixing for in-ear monitors

Hello everyone. I've got a gig coming up where I'll be monitor mixing for a band I've never heard before. Well actually me and my crew are running sound for a festival but the headliner insists on bringing their own console(instead of using our Midas Verona 56ch) along with their own FOH guy. So we're suppose to run their monitor mix.

Help with Cubase Mixing

I need help with Cubase. I have uploaded a bunch of tracks that we recorded on an 8-track onto Cubase (about 35 tracks so far). My problem is that the now when I listen back for mixing the music stutters like a scratched CD. What are all of the things that could be causing this (i.e. not enough CPU power, not enough RAM, etc.)? And what are the ways to fix it.

Mixing Question: Final product sounds much too soft

So I've been mixing a song lately for a little project of mine and thought I was doing everything I was supposed to in order for the mix to come out pretty decent. It sounds absolutely great on my monitors and headphones in my basement, but if I go and use other speakers, such as computer speakers on another computer, it's like someone cut the volume in half on the entire mix...


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