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Mics or mic preamps?


I know, I know, your signal chain is only as strong as your weakest link. But if you were just starting to collect some nice equipment would you go for a couple nice mic preamps maybe an api 3124 and an Avalon or a Great River Neve and use some AT and Oktava condensers with 57's and 421's. Or to get a couple royers and a Neumann or two and use some Mackie pres or something like that.

David, Matched Pairs of Mics, What and Why?


Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I'm new at this. Why is it better to have a "matched pair" of the rather than two that are not matched (of the same model, of course)? How do manufacturers select "matched pairs"? How hard is it to do after the fact (buy one then later try to match it)?


BLUE mics



I operate a facility based on a Roland VS studio and plan on updating to a PARIS by this time next year. This fall, I will update my front-end.

I was wondering if anyone has had experience with the BLUE Kiwi and Cactus mics. Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you,

Big T. Smith